Our Vision
To improve the social and economic welfare of its members without regard to sex, colour, race, creed, age, culture, religion or disability to promote efficiency in public employment and to manifest its belief in the value of the unity of organized labour
Our Mission
Safeguard the rights of all members, to provide for responsible administration of the Local, and to involve as many members as possible through the sharing of duties and responsibilities.
Our Objectives
Secure adequate remuneration for work performed and generally advance the economic and social welfare of its members and of all workers;
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What We Do
Although the Executive Board or the Council of Unit Co-ordinators may also refer other matters to this committee, their primary responsibility is ARTICLE 6 of the Collective Agreement.
Organizational and Technological Change as per Article 6.01 of our Collective Agreement means the introduction of equipment, material, work functions, processes, methods, organization or geographic location, significantly different from that currently practiced.
This committee plays an important role in bargaining. Four months before bargaining is due to start, the Co-ordinator will submit a report on any bargaining changes necessary to ARTICLE 6.
The committee provides a liaison between our Local and the Technological Changes Committees of those Organizations to which we are affiliated. In addition, they maintain regular contact with all other Public Service unions on the issue of Technological Change.
In terms of service to individual Union members, the committee maintains regular contact with all members who are affected employees and keeps track of ongoing Org and Tech (Article 6) grievances.
The chair (Advisor) of this committee reports regularly to the National Representative and to the Advisory Group and to the Council of Unit Co-Ordinators.
Committee Members
Vice President Area and Regions: Cynthia Ireland
Treasurer: Tony Dinardo
What We Do
The members of this committee participate as the Union representatives on the Joint Travel and Busines Expense Committee established under the Collective Agreement.
The Committee Chairperson is a member of the Executive Board and a member of the Council of Unit Co-ordinators with voice and vote at meetings and makes regular reports to these bodies.
This committee also provides information to the Bargaining Committee
Committee Members
Tony Dinardo
April Leblanc
Note: All Travel and Business Expenses can be found in Article 8 of the Collective Agreement
Article 25 In the Collective Agreement states the following:
“The Employer and the Union are committed to maintaining a workplace that demonstrates a sincere and continuing interest in the individual and collective well-being of all employees and recognizes the inherent worth and dignity of every employee.
The Employer undertakes to:
§ Protect the safety and health of its employees when assigning work, covering absence or vacation leave.
§ Ensure that there is no unreasonable workload imposed on an employee.
The Employer and the Union acknowledge that workload can fluctuate and should be reviewed on an ongoing basis with the goal of equitable and reasonable distribution of workload.
The Employer will ensure that employees know what is expected of them by providing ongoing performance feedback and collaborate on development objectives through regular supervision.”
Jointly, Union and management have designated individual contact persons to specific positions to assist with related workload issues. If these issues cannot be resolved at the local level, either party or both can jointly bring the issue to the identified contacts who will engage the parties to discuss recommendations to resolve the issue(s).
The workload committee role mandate is to make recommendations if the issue is unable to be addressed at the Local level. If the issue still cannot be resolved, it can then be escalated to the Joint Workload Committee for further discussion. The local reserves the right to file grievances under the workload language in the collective agreement if required.
Committee Members:
Recording Secretary: Josie Morin
Regional Director: April LeBlanc
What We Do
This committee works to ensure that the emotional well-being of our members receives attention and that wellness activities and counselling services are available as needed? They provide liaison with the Corporate Health Centre and other external groups, to support the provision of appropriate services for our? members.
Within the Local, committee members liaise with other committees such as Education and Training, Publications, and Health and Safety, the Disability Management Committee and Joint Insurance Benefits Review.
Committee members also liaise with other agencies such as the Corporate Health Centre?
Warren Shepell the EAP provider, CUPE Ontario and CUPE National and Canadian Labour Congress.
Committee Members
Regional Director: Rebecca Punkari
Recording Secretary: Josie Morin
What We Do
The committee works to achieve the best Pension Plan for members and represents the Local on Pension issues. It recommends appointments to WSIB Pension committees and advises and makes recommendations to the Bargaining committee. Regular reports are made to the Executive Board and Council of Coordinators to whom it is accountable.
For questions regarding your pension please contact:
Pension Contact Centre
By phone: 1-855-242-1526
Online: My Pension Resource
President & Committee Lead: Harry Goslin
Committee member: Harry Goslin, Tony Dinardo, Nicole Francis, April LeBlanc and Dave Peddle
Grievance Committee:
This is not a permanent committee. The committee is formed as required when a greivance decision is being appealed.
The role of the grievance committee is to review decisions around proceeding to arbitration on cases. Although used rarely it provides opportunities to protect members’ interests in the grievance process. The Chief Steward and the Senior Stewards meet regularly in addition to the grievance committee for the purposes of training, information exchange and to determine grievance trends.
Chief Steward: Nicole Francis
Tony Dinardo, Treasurer
Cynthia Ireland, Vice President
Josie Morin, Recording Secretary
Justin Olivier (shadow), Head Office Director
Note: Please contact us at [email protected] for grievance assistance.
Nicole Francis, Chief Steward
Our committee works to safeguard the rights and protect the interests of workers in our workplace in health and safety matters. Committee members represent the Union on Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committees and participate on behalf of the bargaining unit in Occupational Health and Safety Committees.
The Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committees are jointly established under the Occupational Health and Safety Act. The CUPE Local 1750 Occupational Health and Safety co-ordinator is the chairperson of the Committee and is an elected member of the Executive Board with voice and vote in meetings. The co-ordinator is responsible to the Executive Board and the Council of Unit Coordinators with respect to its activities and responsibilities and makes regular reports to both bodies.
Committee Members: Josie Cirino
This committee is responsible for providing representation to members who have WSIB claims appeals. If requested, committee members will also assist members with return to work and accomodation issues that arise in the workplace.
BEC Representatives Always Needed
Some of the important work our local does is to assist our members with their Board Employee claims when they have suffered a work related injury. We need your assistance and expertise as a Board Employee Claims Representative, to assist CUPE 1750 members with issues of entitlement, return to work, understanding their claims, interpreting decisions, completing objection forms and representing them at meeting’s with the Employer/Agency as well as with appeals. Volunteer to become a Board Employee Claims Representative by contacting us at the union office. Training is available upon request when you volunteer.
If you would like to volunteer to be a BEC representative or need assistance with a BEC claim please call the union office.
Committee Members
Head Office Director: Thomas Chang
The Inclusions/Exclusions Committee shall:
Represent the Union on Joint Inclusion/Exclusions work
Develop and maintain an organizational profile and act upon the inclusion and/or exclusion of work from the bargaining unit
Represent the Union where the classification of a position is in dispute
Record and refer all new bargaining unit inclusions to the Organizational and Technological Change Committee and Job Evaluation Committee
Make regular reports and be accountable to the Executive Board and the Council
Submit recommendations to enhance relevant Articles of the Collective Agreement, before the Collective Bargaining Process
Committee Members:
Chief Steward: Nicole Francis
Treasurer: Tony Dinardo
Regional Director: Jean-Simon Chenard
The Diversity and Equity Issues Committee shall:
a) Inquire into matters brought forward by members concerning employer violations of the Human Rights code and related legislation;
b) Inform and educate membership on issues regarding Human Rights;
c) Liaise with the Human Rights Commission;
d) Develop a profile of the wages, benefits, working conditions and priority demands of diversity and equity seeking members;
e) Monitor any changes in the employer’s policies, which might adversely affect all equity seeking members in the work force;
f) Educate the membership on issues of concern to diversity and equity seeking members;
g) Encourage more diversity and equity seeking members with a focus on women to be involved in union activities;
h) Liaise with equity issues committees [gender, sexual orientation, ability, age, class, religion and ethnic origin] of those organizations to which the Union is affiliated;
i) Make regular reports and be accountable to the Executive Board and the Council.
j) Submit recommendations to enhance relevant Articles of the Collective Agreement, before the Collective Bargaining Process.
Committee Members:
Chief Steward Head Office: Nicole Francis
Regional Director: Rebecca Punkari
What We Do
The members of this committee participate as the Union Committee of the Joint Insurance Review Committee established under the Collective Agreement.
On its own initiative from time to time the committee makes recommendations to the Executive Board regarding:
1. the benefits package of the collective agreement(s)
2. the committee’s terms of reference
3. the benefits appendices forming part of the Collective Agreement
The Committee Chair is a member of the Executive Board and the Council. This committee also provides information to the Bargaining Committee concerning the benefits package.
Committee Member:
Vice-President: Cynthia Ireland
Benefits information( extended health benefits, dental, life insurance, travel insurance) can be found in the WSIB “Human Resources Employee Handbook” on Connex. General questions regarding your benefits can be answered directly by the WSIB benefits department.
They can be contacted at:
[email protected]
Phone: 416-344-6007
There is also a dedicated WSIB retiree no:
1 888 444 9742
What We Do
Our committee writes, edits and publishes all of the Union communications, including the Update, Bulletins and, of course, the Web Page. We are also responsible for distribution of printed materials to the membership.
We keep our members informed about happenings within the Local and in the broader labour community; the Canadian Union of Public Employees, its divisions or councils and other Union bodies.
We liaise with other committees of the Local and work on special projects from time to time as needed.
We provide advice to the Administrator and Council on matters pertaining to communications and each year we develop a communication strategy for the local.
Committee Members:
President: Harry Goslin
Executive Board
Classes are well underway for the 2019/2020 school year and OCEU/CUPE 1750 Bursary applications are now available. As members of OCEU/CUPE 1750, you can obtain a copy of the application form for your child/children through our Union website. Please visit us at www.oceu.ca or use the bursary link.
Children (as defined in the collective agreement) of members of OCEU/CUPE 1750, who will be attending full-time post-secondary education will be eligible for an opportunity to receive a bursary award.
Eligibility Requirements:
- Proof of acceptance and registration in a full-time post-secondary education program;
- Completed application form;
- Must include a signature by a person of authority within the school of attendance
- Completed applications can be mailed, or faxed to the union office.
Applications are to be received in the union office no later than 3:00 PM on Friday December 13, 2019.
The draw will take place on Monday, December 16, 2019. The results will be posted on our Union website. The bursary includes four $500 winners split among two for members in the Toronto area and two for members in the District and Area Offices.
Should you require any further information feel free to contact the union office. OCEU would like to wish all students a successful school year. Past recipients are no longer eligible to apply to allow us to grant bursary awards to as many of our members’ children as possible.
Committee Members:
Head Office Director: David Petrangelo
Recording Secretary: Josie Morin
What We Do
The Job Evaluation committee represents the union in the joint job evaluation procedures established under the Collective Agreement. It is responsible to the Executive Board and the Council of Unit Coordinators and makes regular reports to these bodies.
The committee assists in job matching activities for use in negotiations with the employer and it may also participate in the preparation and presentation of classification grievances.
This committee also makes recommendations to the bargaining committee with respect to Article 18 of the Collective Agreement.
Joing Job Evaluation Committee
The Joint Job Evaluation Committee is responsible for evaluating all bargaining unit jobs using the joint job evaluation plan.
The Joint Job Evaluation Plan and process will be periodically reviewed through discussions between the parties to ensure it continues to adequately measure the value of the work of the bargaining unit work force.
The Joint Job Evaluation committee will report concerns over the integrity of the plan and process to the employer and the union.
Changes to the Joint Job Evaluation Plan will be made by mutual agreement.
Job Evaluation Committee Members
JJE Co-Chair: Annette Holmes