CUPE Local 1750, also known as the Ontario Compensation Employees Union (OCEU), represents more than 3,600 employees at the  Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) and the Infrastructure Health & Safety Association (IHSA). Members of CUPE Local 1750 serve workers, their families and employers in Ontario, to provide compensation for loss of earnings, benefits or health care coverage to eligible workers.

Together, we’re making significant gains for health and safety workers by:

Focussing on job security and protection
Building on our pristine record with WSIB where there have been no layoffs since 1974
Providing members with a voice in their pension plan oversight. OCEU has negotiated to have union members on our pension’s advisory committee


OCEU will do whatever it takes to ensure that my job is protected and that I’m treated with fairness and respect at work.” - Dana Zuest, OCEU H&S Co-Chair, and Job Evaluation Rep

The union caused an immediate shift in our workplace. I no longer fear getting unfairly fired or laid off—the union has my back and makes sure that management is accountable to our collective agreement.” - Scott Laing, OCEU Union Member and IHSA employee

With OCEU, we have a say in our pension. I’m thankful that the union is a vital part in the oversight of my pension plan. - Peter Vi

What are the benefits of joining the OCEU / CUPE?

As members of a union, you will bargain a legally binding collective agreement that contains terms and conditions of employment. Each CUPE local decides its priorities for bargaining, when to settle a new contract, and how to manage funds. CUPE’s strength comes from individual members working towards common goals, like improving wages and benefits, improving health and safety conditions, and improving your overall workplace environment.

OCEU / CUPE provides representation in meetings with management, and a real say in our terms and conditions of employment (including our pension and job security language) by bargaining a collective agreement.

OCEU / CUPE has democratic control over its activities. Members of the local union decide, at regular membership meetings, on issues that are important to the local and the membership.

By joining OCEU / CUPE, you also gain valuable access to CUPE resources and support including staff representatives in communications, legal, education, and much more.

What steps are involved to join OCEU / CUPE?

There are five key steps to joining OCEU / CUPE:

  • Contact OCEU and Meet an Organizer
  • Call 905-676-0030 or email [email protected] to learn more about the union.
  • Sign an OCEU / CUPE membership application.
  • This authorizes the union to represent workers in negotiations with their employer. There is no charge to sign a CUPE membership application in Ontario. The confidentiality of application signer information is protected by law. At no time during the process will your employer know whether you have signed.
  • Spread the word.
  • A minimum of 40% of your co-workers must sign OCEU / CUPE membership applications for the union to file an application for certification with the Ontario Labour Relations Board. Vote YES. 5 business days following the application for certification, a secret ballot vote will be held. Labour Board Officers holds the vote and ensures there is no interference by the employer to intimidate or influence the vote. The voting process is confidential and is like Provincial and Federal elections. If the majority (50%+1) of workers who cast ballots vote to unionize, the union is certified.
  • The union will file notice to bargain.
    • • The union will serve notice to your Employer to bargain your first collective agreement.
    • • Discipline a union supporter for doing something employees who don’t support the union also do but get away with.
    • • Visit employees in their homes to talk about the union
    • • Promise wage increases or other benefits if employees reject the union or say they might lose benefits if they support the union.
    • • Tell you the organization will shut down or lay people off if employees join a union.
    • • Help or encourage employees who are opposed to a union.
  • Know Your Rights
  • Employers can express personal views so long as the employer does not use coercion, intimidation, threats, promises or undue influence to learn more about your rights during unionization.

What can I do to support the campaign to join OCEU / CUPE?

We need your help to make this campaign a success. Here are three ways you can contribute:

  • Speak with your WSPS co-workers. Connect us with them! We will meet one-on-one to chat about the benefits of joining OCEU / CUPE.
  • Spread the word. Get in touch with us for campaign materials and conversation-starters.
  • Share the campaign website. Visit for more information!

We’re all better off when we work together towards our shared goals;— there is strength in numbers.

Can I talk about our union campaign with my co-workers?

Yes. Employers cannot prohibit you from discussing the union provided the conversation is within the usual range of social interaction that is allowed in a workplace. However, discussion about the union, or signing union applications, cannot interfere with anyone getting their work done. If you are in doubt, you can always err on the side of caution and keep it to the break room.

Can management interfere in our union campaign?

No. The Ontario Labour Relations Act prohibits employer interference in the formation of a union

The employer cannot:

  • • Ask whether someone’s joined or is thinking of joining a union
  • • Ask about union meetings or activities
  • • Call someone into the office to talk about the union, unless that person asks for a meeting
  • • Discipline a union supporter for doing something employees who don’t support the union also do but get away with
  • • Visit employees in their homes to talk about the union
  • • Promise wage increases or other benefits if employees reject the union or say they might lose benefits if they support the union
  • • Tell you the organization will shut down or lay people off if employees join a union
  • • Help or encourage employees who are opposed to a union

What are union dues?

Union dues are the way workers who have decided to form a union pool their resources to enable the work of the union. Union dues fund the cost of bargaining, the cost of enforcing the collective agreement, and the cost of campaigns union members instruct their union to conduct. All members of the union benefit from the wages and benefits negotiated in their collective agreement, the professional representation provided by the union, and other benefits of membership. These activities are funded by the payment of union dues.

Union dues for OCEU / CUPE 1750 are 1.5%, or $1.50 on every $100 of regular wages earned. Union dues are tax deductible. We believe that a percentage solution is the most fair and equitable. Dues levels are set democratically by members of the union. Any changes to OCEU union dues will be decided by members of OCEU.

Of the 1.5%, 0.85% are CUPE National Dues. With these funds, CUPE maintains a National Strike Fund and National Defence Fund to ensure CUPE members have the resources to defend their jobs and wages. National dues also fund our National staff representatives and specialists.

.65% of dues remain with OCEU, and funds expenses such as: paid union leave for executive members, and other union members conducting union business; legal expenses for arbitration, mediation, and consultations; advocacy campaigns; union office space and office staff; and other expenses such as conferences, conventions, and education seminars.

Can I see the OCEU collective agreements?


WSIB Collective Agreement

Click to View and Download

IHSA Collective Agreement

Click to View and Download

Contact us:

Call us directly at: 905-676-0030 Toll Free: 1-800-268-3371 Email us: [email protected]

Meet our Team:

Sign up to Join CUPE / OCEU

Click on the confidential link below to join CUPE / OCEU.


Click to Join CUPE / OCEU

Having a Say at Your Job: Why Workers’ Voice Builds Better Workplaces, Better Economy, Better Lives


Our Vision

To improve the social and economic welfare of its members without regard to sex, colour, race, creed, age, culture, religion or disability to promote efficiency in public employment and to manifest its belief in the value of the unity of organized labour.

Our Mission

Safeguard the rights of all members, to provide for responsible administration of the Local, and to involve as many members as possible through the sharing of duties and responsibilities.

Our Objectives

Secure adequate remuneration for work performed and generally advance the economic and social welfare of its members and of all workers;